How Kalashnikov Guns Are Made

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Let us see how lives and what air breathes the legendary producer of Kalashnikov guns! While they write about inevitable death of the plant we can see that “Izmash” is alive indeed! It’s been working for two centuries, and will be working even longer!

They often tell about decay in Udmurtia, though we can see a new church here. The previous building was destroyed in 1937 but in 2004 they started construction of the new cathedral at the same place.

Monument of military and labor glory devoted to the deeds of Udmurt citizens in the war time.

Closer to Izhevsk industry

Back in 1941 the production centre of guns was placed in the east of Izhevsk outskirts, on the territory 96 hectares large – it’s twice as large as Vatican! Or a half of a European princedom Monaco!

Probably some of you will be surprised to know that Kalashnikov guns are assembled manually. Though this fact hasn’t prevented “Izhmash” from production of 50 million guns for the last 60 years!

They take their time. In its best years “Izhmash” produced 95 guns an hour! With these very hands!

A barrel is connected with a rod. There are special tools to do this, but some specialists use only a hammer.

That day the plant tested two types of nano-coating: the first is anticorrosion one and the second is one decreasing tension in movable mechanisms.

Assembling a barrel extension and inserting a bolt carrier into it.

When a mechanism is already adjusted manually by a specialist this lady draws screws up tight. Currently 15 students work in “Izhmash” construction center.

Attaching a butt to an almost finished gun. Women can perform the task!

Though some processes are automated, of course.

And here is the ready gun.

Today their average salary is 16 thousand rubles (530 USD).

The final check. This woman is to decide if a gun should be worked further on. Collegues are waiting for a verdict heart aflutter.

It may seem strange but this young guy is already a boss. Alexander is 21 and he’s a chief foreman. Higher education gives good chances to be promoted.

The final stage: the barrels have been polished.
Export contracts have always helped “Izhmash” to survive, even in the hardest times. The products are exported to 27 countries of the world. Now a big amount of AK guns is awaited in India. Though they want them to have interchangeable barrels and shoot with cartridges of different calibres. “Izhmash” is ready to meet these requirements!

Director of the plant
Proceeds have increased for 40% compared to 2010, earnings of employees – for 21%, some specialists also get bonuses amounting to a half of their salary. Does the plant looks to be dying?

This cute young lady is responsile for engraving on the guns.

If she practices much she may be able to do such things one day!

Americans show much interest in “Saiga-12″ guns. In 2011 “Izhmash” earned 15 millions dollars for sales of sports and hunting guns in the USA.

Before selling the guns they have to be tested. This man will never miss any defective gun!

“Kalashnikov” doesn’t burn or rust.  Checking the gun under the artificial rain.

Freezing the guns in utterly severe conditions

heating the guns in a stove

Though it’s not the end of the AK suffering. In the end it will be smashed against the concrete plate for 3-5 times.

And it continues to perfectly shoot! If 2012 will bring Apocalypse, and in some centuries our descendants will dig out Izhevsk Kalashnikovs, they will have to be careful, the guns will be still in a working condition.

That’s it!
Location: Izhevsk
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How Kalashnikov Guns Are Made

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