Amazing Facts About Healthy Foodll

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10. Fat free is calorie free.

Some people indulge in extra-large servings of fat-free foods, such as cookies, cakes and crackers, without realizing that these foods may contain the same amount or even more calories than regular versions. Get the facts on fat-free foods by checking food labels for the serving size and number of calories per serving. Fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories. However, other low fat or no fat foods may still contain a lot of calories. To make such foods taste better, extra sugar, flour, or starch thickeners are usually added. These ingredients are high in calories and may lead to weight gain.

9. You can burn fat by eating certain foods, like grapefruit, vinegar, or other acidic food.

There is no food or combination of foods that will alter your metabolism or help burn fat quickly. The grapefruit diet require you to eat half a grapefruit before every meal to reap the benefits of the fruit's so-called fat-burning enzymes. Calories typically are limited to fewer than 800 a day, although some versions require that you eat until you are full. Grapefruit has no fat, is low in calories and sodium, and is packed with vitamin C. But the very low calories and deficits in protein, fiber and several important vitamins and minerals, can make this diet dangerous. Similarly, the cabbage soup diet proponents report feeling lightheaded and weak because the diet is too low in protein, vitamins and complex carbohydrates. You may lose weight, but you'll probably be too queasy to enjoy it. Remember, no foods can burn fat. Caffeine-rich foods may speed up your metabolism rate for a short time. However, they do not cause any weight loss. The best way to lose weight is to reduce the number of calories you eat and increase your physical activities.

8. Carbohydrates cause weight gain.

Carbohydrates do not cause weight gain unless they contribute to excess calorie intake. The same holds true for protein and fat. Findings from the National Weight Control Registry show that people who successfully maintain weight loss tend to eat diets that are higher in carbohydrates and lower in fat, in addition to watching their total calorie intake. However, some people who eat a diet that is extremely high in carbohydrates and low in protein and fat get hungry sooner, which may trigger overeating.

7. Extra protein makes you strong.

The body has tremendous reserves and is very adaptive. The idea that you have to eat specified foods in specified amounts every day to maintain performance is unsound. You do not need to starve yourself to lose weight. When we are active, our body uses its own fat and carbohydrate for fuel. A diet that includes animal and vegetable protein supplies all the body needs to replenish its stores. There is no superdiet for super performance. Besides, high protein diet often lack key nutrients found in carbohydrate foods. You need every kind of food. Avoiding any kind of food is just as wrong as ingesting food supplements.

6. If it tastes good, it must be bad for me.

This is nonsense. Health and good taste can absolutely go together. Health isn't about denial, it's about smart choices and moderation. Fruits, vegetables and grain, for example, are all delicious foods with amazing health benefits. And, even foods like chocolate or premium ice cream can be included in your diet as long as you balance the treats with healthy foods and exercise.

5. Drinking Liquids While Exercising or after exercise is harmful.

If you are exercising, drinking liquid is doubly important. (Cold liquids are better). When you sweat a lot, your body loses even more water than usual, and more you sweat, the more liquid you'll need to drink. When it's hot, it's even more important that you drink liquid, because you are at a higher risk for heat exhaustion. Drinking cold liquids during exercise does not cause cramps at all. The cause of cramps is thought to be related to dehydration. Cold drinks (40 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit or refrigerator temperature) are the optimal beverages during physical activity because they leave the stomach more quickly than warm liquids. If you continue to exercise without proper fluid intake you make experience dizziness, nausea, or faint. These are the symptoms of heat exhaustion. Hot liquids are better to drink than cold liquids when exercising.

4. Heating or reheating foods will kill all foodborne disease bacteria.

Proper heating or reheating will kill bacteria that cause foodborne illness. But, there are some bacteria that produce toxins or poisons that are not destroyed by high temperatures. One example is the foodborne bacteria called staphylococcus, called staph (pronounced "staff") for short. Staph toxin can develop in cooked foods that sit out at room temperature for more than two hours. Foods should be quickly heated or reheated to at least 165 degrees F before serving or hotholding. If the food has been out more than two hours, you might be better off just getting rid of it.

3. It's better to eat six mini meals than three squares.

As long as your food choices for the entire day are healthy and not too high in calories, either eating style can work. I find that many people prefer to eat more volume less frequently because of hectic schedules or heartier appetites. If that sounds like you, just be sure to keep your daily calories in check, and try not to go longer than four to five hours without eating. Doing so may make your blood sugar drop, causing low energy, headaches, and overeating in response to feeling blah. Have small snacks on hand—such as fruit, nonfat yogurt, or a bag of baby carrots—in case you're running late for lunch or dinner. Being overweight is bad for your health. When you eat less, your stomach will shrink.

2. Sugar is white death.

Don't believe it. there is no scientific evidence to support the notion that eating sugar, in any normal quantity, will cause diabetes, heart disease, hyperactivity in children or obesity. Sugar doesn't have any particular nutritional value - it supplies energy and taste and that's all, but at 16 calories per teaspoon, you have to eat a lot before it puts on weight. Sugar, however, does play a role in tooth decay, which is why it's important to brush after eating. Sugar and sugary foods in normal servings have no greater effect on blood sugar levels than many starchy foods. Saturated fat is far worse for people with diabetes.

1. Chocolate is regarded as the devil's temptation, do not touch it, it instantly makes you fat.
Researches have proved that chocolate has numerous beneficial effects on your health: it has antibiotic properties, boosts memory, increases brain's levels of serotonin ("feel good" hormone), acts like a neuronal dis inhibitor that increases audacity, attraction, excitement, and giddiness; improves the blood circulation, with good effects on preventing heart disease, brain aging and . Of course, boosting erection! It is also rich in iron and magnesium. A 1999 research at Harvard University even discovered that chocolate consumers live almost one year more than those who do not eat chocolate.

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Amazing Facts About Healthy Foodll

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