10 Facts That Had Previously Been Considered Indecent

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In the salons of the XIX century it was considered unseemly for a man to invite a lady to dance for more than 3 times. After the second dance, he had to announce their engagement.

In the U.S., women still had not "suggest marafet" in public. It is considered improper, as well as people just look at the mirror.
Gloves were once purely domestic accessory. Despite the fact that the gloves were a great many (sports, ball, hunting, and special gloves for waiters), put on gloves just at home, because the people doing it was indecent.
In 20-ies of XX century in the Russian schools was indecent to write correctly, as it was not a proletarian. Literacy could even write a denunciation.
In the UK it is improper to knit in public. Although you can tell a story related to knitting. By the way, recently addicted to knitting in the British male. Knitting has become the third after football and politics topic of discussion in bars and pubs.
Bulgaria has long been considered unseemly for men to drink less than one and a half liters of wine per day. Wine in Bulgaria worth a penny, so that moderate its use has long been considered a sign of inhospitable.
During the Japanese tea ceremony is considered improper to sit cross-legged. Pull leg toward the neighbor's - is the height of familiarity. Therefore, participants of the ceremony sitting on his own heels.
Incidentally, with regard to Russia, at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries. it was considered quite improper to acquire a dacha (a concept already existed at the time) plots of less than 10-12 "hectare".
Under the rules of etiquette, which operated in the Russian boyar estates, all occasions, talking to someone, was indecent to become the man half-turned. Included in the room does not look intently ought from head to foot, as this can put a humble person, especially a woman, in the very awkward position, and deprive her of any self-control.
In Thailand, is considered improper to touch the other person and willing to pat him on the shoulder. It is affection, tenderness and a public manifestation in Thailand - indecent.

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10 Facts That Had Previously Been Considered Indecent

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