Top Ten Countries With Highest Rate Of Robberies

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robberies 2011 Top 10 Countries With Highest Rate Of Robberies   2011

10). Swaziland:

This is the tenth country with highest number of robbery and the average robberies happening in Swaziland are 304.2 which were recorded in 2004.

9). Estonia:

This country has average 346.6 numbers of average robberies per year and this data was recorded in 2001.

8). Ecuador:

398.8 numbers of robberies take place per year in this country and this data was recorded in 2006.

7). Nicaragua:

Nicaragua has 440.7 numbers of robberies per year which was recorded in 2006.

6). South Africa:

South Africa is the 6th country with highest number of robberies and the average number of robberies in this country is 494.5 and this data was recorded in 2002.

5). Mexico:

This country has 504.7 numbers of robberies which was recorded in 2006.

4). Costa Rica:

527.3 numbers of robberies are recorded in this country and this data was recorded in 2006.

3). Dominican Republic:

This is the 3rd highest country in robberies and 556.4 numbers of average robberies are recorded lastly in 2006 of this country.

2). Argentina:

Argentina is the 2nd highest country for average number of robberies, i.e. 905.3 recorded lastly in 2006.

1). Chile:

Chile is the highest country among all in robberies and the number of robberies is 1,275 per year recorded in 2004.


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Top Ten Countries With Highest Rate Of Robberies

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