Stupor-Villains: 10 Comic Book Heavies Mangled by Hollywood

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Stupor-Villains: 10 Comic Book Heavies Mangled by Hollywood

Every bit as important to the success of comic book super heroics is super villainy: After all, if being a hero were depicted as easy, why would anyone watch? With the release of The Guardians of the Galaxy, a movie that pits a motley crew of space …
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X-POSITION: Marts Takes X-Men to Comic-Con & Beyond

With Comic-Con International 2014 behind us, there"s nobody better to discuss future plans for the X-Men than Marvel Comics Executive Editor Mike Marts. As editor-in-charge of all things X, Marts has the best view of what"s to come for Marvel"s merry …
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Stupor-Villains: 10 Comic Book Heavies Mangled by Hollywood

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