Beadworking in Two Worlds: 10 Fascinating Pieces by Teri Greeves

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Beadworking in Two Worlds: 10 Fascinating Pieces by Teri Greeves

Teri Greeves, a Kiowa bead worker originally from the Wind River reservation in Wyoming, remembers being eight years old and asking her mother, for the first time, if she could take some thread and needles at the bead shop of her trading post. "You …
Read more on Indian Country Today Media Network

The Most Fascinating Profile You"ll Ever Read About a Guy and His Boring Startup

Stewart is hungry. He"s munching on potatoes smothered in chicken fat drippings, sitting by a long metal table that once served as a gurney in the morgue at the Treasure Island Naval Base. It"s a prominent piece of furniture in what will be the kitchen …
Read more on Wired

Unusual discovery leads to fascinating tuberculosis theory

Grade school history lessons often have it that American Indians largely were wiped out by diseases such as whooping cough, chicken pox, influenza and tuberculosis brought to the New World by European explorers. One report says, while estimates vary, …
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)

Some fascinating views from a bridge not far away [Commentary]

Ever since I took my first intercity trip on a train from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C., many, many years ago, I"ve held a certain fascination for the bridge on which our train crossed the Susquehanna River. The possibility of that same bridge being …
Read more on Baltimore Sun

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Beadworking in Two Worlds: 10 Fascinating Pieces by Teri Greeves

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