Extraordinary Photographs Of Animals Inside The Womb

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The experience of most detailed embryonic animal photographs ever taken. Using revolutionary four-dimensional scanning technology, scientists have shed light on the world of animals inside the womb, including that of dolphins, sharks, dogs, penguins, and elephants. The images are from a National Geographic Documentary called “Extraordinary Animals in the Womb” and were captured by using a combination of three-dimensional ultrasound scans, computer graphics and small cameras to document the animals’ development from conception to birth. The documentary serves as “testimony to the strong relatedness of all mammals.”

Dolphin Inside the Womb

The documentary specifically explores the Shark and how its cannibalistic embryos must eat their own brothers to survive; the Emperor Penguin and its egg-bound chicks that must battle the coldest weather on the planet; the Kangaroo and its underdeveloped young who will undergo an exceptionally premature birth; and the Parasitic Wasp whose larvae must hijack and exploit the body of another creature to survive. 

Penguin Inside the Womb

Penguin Inside the Womb

Penguin Inside the Womb
Dog Inside the Womb

Dog Inside the Womb

Dog Inside the Womb

Elephant Inside the Womb


Shark Inside the Womb

Dog Inside the Womb

Dog Inside the Womb

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Extraordinary Photographs Of Animals Inside The Womb

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