Oceanographic Park - Europe's Biggest Aquarium

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The oceanographic park situated in Valencia is the largest aquarium in Europe. It was constructed by Felix Candela. It covers about 110 000 sq.m. and contains about 42 million gallons of water. The design of this building is the shape of water lily.

There are more than forty five thousand water species over here. You will see sharks swimming above your head in the aquarium and penguins walking around in their funny postures, you can also feed them if you like. If you are taking kids on your holidays then you should bring them over to this oceanographic park because here they will enjoy a lot and learn about marine wildlife.

This park is structured under water; therefore you can easily see the fishes and other species swimming here and there. The salt water represents the whole marine life. At the times of holidays, when most tourists visit this place, the authorities showcase dolphins that are really enjoyed by children. Once you will buy the ticket you can survey the place for the whole day.

The oceanographic park also has botanical gardens so if you are marine botanist then you should not miss the chance of coming to this park as you will species that you will not find anywhere in the world. The species that you will see over here will be aspiring, you can take lots of photographs and paste in your research journal.


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Oceanographic Park - Europe's Biggest Aquarium

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