Strange Laws

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A fashion ban

Where: Albany, Ga.

About the ban: The town has banned wearing saggy pants in public.

The fine: Albany has garnered thousands of dollars in fines. Find out how much first-time offenders have to pay.

An ingredient ban

Where: New York, N.Y.

About the ban: Restaurants across the city were forced to stop using a controversial ingredient in 2008.

The fine: Eateries caught using the banned substance can face hefty fines. How much will they have to shell out?
A dog-walking mandate

Where: Turin, Italy

About the ban: Police in this northern Italian city rely on tipsters to turn in violators. What are they looking for?

The fine: Scofflaws can be fined up to 500 euros.
A pet-rodent ban

Where: Billings, Mont.

About the ban: It's against a city ordinance to own, sell or raise a popular pet.

The fine: Residents caught with the banned pets can be fined.How much?
No predictions allowed

Where: Hattiesburg, Miss.

About the ban: Some local business owners closed their doors after they received a violation notice last year. What law were they breaking?

The fine: We're not sure exactly what these particular residents would pay, but some Hattiesburg fines are pretty high.
Unhappy meals?

Where: Santa Clara, Calif.

About the ban: Kids in this Silicone Valley city may be disappointed to find something missing in their Happy Meals. What does the law say?

The fine: Restaurants face large fines if they're found in violation.
A wintertime-fun ban

Where: Belton, Mo.

About the ban: A cold-weather pastime is forbidden under a city ordinance. What can get you in trouble?

The penalty:What happens if you're caught?
A footwear ban

Where: Carmel-by-the-Sea, Calif.

About the ban: A well-known actor used to be mayor of this coastal city, where an unusual law was enacted in 1963. What type of shoe is banned on city streets?

The fine: The law isn't enforced, but tourists can buy a "souvenir license" to take home with them.
A bodily function ban

Where: St. Peters, Mo.

About the ban: The law passed last year after the mayor saw a man perform a distasteful act in front of city hall. What did they ban?

The fine: We couldn't find any instances since the Missouri law was enacted, but an Ohio teen was fined in 2009 for the violation.

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Strange Laws

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