Sword of the Vikings

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"Sword of the Vikings, like the heavy iron stick, recalled an era when tall blond warriors with bulging eyes were on their boats, like sea horses, half of the world - from the Caspian to America - leaving here in Scotland, not only the memory of themselves, but also a part of yourself. "
Vladimir Scherbakov. "The Scottish Tale."
In France they were called the Normans, in Russia - the Vikings. The Vikings - the so-called themselves the people who lived in what is now Norway, Denmark and Sweden, approximately from 800 to 1100 years BC.
Viking Age lasted quite a short period of time, something about 2 and a half centuries. 800-1050 gg BC, and to be more precise, from 793, when the monastery at Lindisfarne, is located near the northeast coast of England, became the object of attack the Vikings.
War and feasts - those are the two favorite classes Vikings. Rapid pirates on ships, wearing sonorous names, such as the "Bull of the ocean", "Raven Wind", raided the coast of England, Germany, Northern France and Belgium - and was taken to the conquered tribute. Their desperate warriors berserks fought like mad, even without armor. Before the battle berserks gnashed their teeth, biting the edge of boards. Cruel gods of the Vikings - aces were pleasing to the soldiers lost in battle.
The word "Viking" dates back to Old Norse "vikingr. Regarding its origin, a number of hypotheses, the most compelling of which raises it to the "Vic" - fjord, bay. The word "Viking" (lit. "man of the fjord") is used to indicate the robbers, who operated in coastal waters, hiding in the secluded coves and bays. In Scandinavia, they were known long before it gained notoriety in Europe.
Wherever the Vikings went - to the British Islands, France, Spain, Italy or North Africa - they ruthlessly plundered and seized the lands of others. In some cases, they settled in the conquered countries and became their rulers. Danish Vikings in a while to conquer England, settled in Scotland and Ireland. Together, they conquered part of France known as Normandy. Norwegian Vikings and their descendants created a colony on the islands of the North Atlantic - Iceland (the ancient language - "Ice Land") and Greenland (the "green land": if the climate there was warmer than now!) And established a settlement on the coast of Newfoundland in North America , however, was short-lived. Swedish Vikings began to dominate the eastern Baltic. They are widely spread across Russia and, descending the rivers to the Black and Caspian seas, even threatened Constantinople and parts of Persia. The Vikings were the last German barbarian conquerors and the first European explorers, pioneers.

There are different interpretations of the causes of violent bursts of activity Vikings 9. There is evidence that Scandinavia was overcrowded, and many Scandinavians went abroad in search of happiness. Rich, but undefended towns and monasteries of the southern and western neighbors were the easy prey. Could hardly get a rebuff from disparate kingdoms in the British Isles or weakened the empire of Charlemagne, absorbed by dynastic rivalries. In the Viking Age in Norway, Sweden and Denmark have gradually consolidated national monarchy. Ambitious leaders and powerful clans struggled for power. Defeated leaders and their supporters, as well as younger sons of the victorious leaders shamelessly perceived unimpeded looting as a way of life. Energetic young people from influential families usually acquired prestige by participating in one or more campaigns. Many of the Scandinavians in the summer of looting, and then transformed into an ordinary landowners. However, the Vikings lured not only tempting prey. The prospect to establish trade opened the way to wealth and power. In particular, immigrants from Sweden controlled the trade routes to Russia.
The northern lands of relatively poor and just physically can not feed the population. Therefore, in order to feed their families, the men boarded the ships and set off to fight, and then sell the loot. And for the war is necessary and appropriate tools - weapons and equipment. Equipment Warrior skipper was very simple. The Vikings even chain mail and other armor worn rarely, usually their clothing - padded jacket and warm pants. The Vikings were sailors, and heavy armor - and it's extra weight on the ship, and then, because of which you can quickly go to the bottom, overboard. And fight in boarding combat, dressed in heavy armor, just uncomfortable. Of a metal ammunition from the warrior was just a simple helmet protects the head.
During the battle, one of the soldiers always carried the banner of the clan. This was a very honorable duty, and the standard-bearer might be just elected - believe that the banner possessed miraculous powers, helping not only to win the battle, but leave the carrier unharmed. But when the enemy's advantage became apparent, the main task for the soldiers was to preserve the life of King of his. To this end, the Vikings around him ring and obscured the shields. If konung still died, they fought to the last drop of blood near his body.
Scandinavians of old used a spear. This is evidenced by numerous finds dating from the beginning of our era and earlier. The northern shaft of the spear was about five feet long with a long, up to 18 inches wide leaf-shaped tip. So you could spear and stab and cut (the Vikings, in fact, successfully and is doing). Of course, weighed a lot of spear and throw it because it was not easy, although it does happen sometimes (if we refer to the myths, one fought with a spear Gungnir are always returned to the owner after a throw). You can imagine the physical form of a man capable to throw a spear. However, there were special throwing spears, similar to European dart. These spears were shorter with a narrower tip.
The next step - Axe. relatively small hatchet on a long (90 cm) handle. Second successful strike ax is usually not required, so Axe turns out to be a moral effect on the enemy. It was not necessary to have a rich imagination to imagine what you can expect from the axes. On the other hand, Axe is good in attack, the protection has many disadvantages. Even the spear in a position to disarm a warrior with an ax, he caught her at the junction of the blade and the handle and pulling out of the hands of the owner.
As the popularity of Axe is no doubt, not only among ordinary hirdmannov, but also leaders. Unlikely nickname Eirik Haraldsson, son of the famous Harald Harfagra (Prekrasnovolosogo) - Eirik Blodeks (Blood Axe) appeared out of nowhere.
It is believed that one of the factors of victory Normans at Hastings was more progressive weapons. William's army were armed with iron axes, while the Anglo-Saxons came to the battlefield with stone axes. However, it should be noted, stone axes were valued and the Vikings. The reason for this was the age of weapons, which gave reason to believe his vested magical properties. Such weapons, carefully preserved, handed down from generation to generation.Perhaps the most common weapon was a sword in Europe. Did not ignore it, and Scandinavia.The first northern swords - single-edged blades, long knives rather than short swords. However, soon they are noticeably increased, and then completely turned into a weapon, which is now known as the "sword of the Vikings."Viking sword - another historical style of the sword, the result of creative artists blacksmithing, combining high strength, protective quality and sharpness, "beautiful" and "mysticism" of this type of sword.Throughout the era of Viking swords, a slight increase in length (up to 930 mm) and have gained a little more sharp end of the blade and the tip itself. These blades had deep trench along the entire length, while they still had a one-handed stick with lobed or triangular top. Troughs on the blade used to increase strength and elasticity of the sword, while simultaneously reducing the weight of the sword. This decrease in weight of the sword and increase its elasticity to allow the fencer to make swing faster and perform more sophisticated attacks, and at the same time, allowing the sword to bend without breaking when hitting the bone.Strip of metal twisted and long prokovyvali, repeating this process several times. The result is a high quality damask with an appropriate combination of strength, flexibility and ability to keep a sharp edge. Blacksmiths conjured over each sword is very long. They say that in those days it was the Vikings had significantly more knowledge of the smelting process, forging and tempering of iron than the inhabitants of the rest of Europe.Fighting technique Scandinavians are not very different from the fighting techniques of other European nations at that time. It should be remembered that in the early Middle Ages, and especially in the Viking Age, a special art of fencing did not exist. Wide swing, kick, which is imbedded in the whole strength of a warrior - that's all technique. Thrusts at the Vikings did not have that, accordingly, has left its mark on the weapon. Specifically, this resulted in the rounding, which often ended in a Scandinavian sword.
The Vikings have always been famous for the art of decorating their weapons. That, however, was not surprising. Scandinavians are endowed weapon personality, and therefore it is logical to try to distinguish it from the rest of the weapons. Some of the weapons to serve the owner was given a name known to people as much as the name of its owner. Here and there were sounding names like "RaunijaR" - is experiencing, "Gunnlogi" - the flame of battle, Gramr (Frantic), Grásíða (gray side), Gunnlogi (Flame of the battle), Fotbitr (Eater feet), Leggbir (Eater feet), Kuernbut (Destroyer of stones), Skrofnung (Sting), Nadr (Asp) and Naegling (Piercing ).... Axes were laid with gold and silver ornaments, swords and scabbards and handles also decorated with gold and silver, the blade covered with runes.
Runes were used extensively and for magical purposes, both in Scandinavia and beyond. Each rune had its own significance, its hidden meaning, known only to initiates. The Vikings believed that with the help of the Runes can be and to treat and destroy enemies, to give force of arms and blunt the enemy swords. They believed that this sword can in a difficult moment even point the way who have gone astray in the fjords Mariners.
Such an expensive weapon like a sword, in the medium Vikings were not just weapons or insignia. Swords were valued as family treasures. Thus, in one bas-relief depicts a scene from a Scandinavian heroic epic, when the father refused to give his son a sword in his first campaign, but tender-hearted mother secretly made a sword and handed it to his son.
First among the Vikings was the custom - every year to come to their homes, to unload the booty, slaves, food. But the farther from home to spread their ships, Drakkar, the harder it becomes to return home. Drakkar often stopped for the winter in unknown lands, and some soldiers, married and stayed there forever. Especially the youth. And the fight has become more difficult over time. Gradually, descendants of fierce warriors began to trade more than fighting, and for that we need is more skills and mindset. And the sword has been gradually losing its aura of mystical deities .

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Sword of the Vikings

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