Most Beautiful Cities' Architectural Designs

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1. Barcelona, Spain

Start with the Hospital de Sant Pau and Palau de la Musica Catalana in which you will find traditional work of the late Catalan architect Lluis Domenech i Montaner. These buildings have both been designated UNESCO World Heritage Site.

You also should check the work of another architect Antoni Gaudi ie. more famous homemade including: Casa Mila, Guell Park and the Temple de la Sagrada Familia Expiatori. From there, see the contemporary work of Santiago Calatrava at Montjuic Communications Tower, plus the "Fish" Frank Gehry at the opening of the Olympic Port. Finally, through Las Ramblas, a large street market in the Gothic Quarter, and see the ancient buildings. For a variety of classic and modern architectural firm, our architecture Barcelona top the list of the capital. More of the best architectural design below.
2. Paris, France

Walking the streets of this city can feel like you're in the middle of one of the great art museums. For all the medieval, Renaissance buildings neoclassic and art nouveau, Paris is also remarkable for a modern piece that mixes with a classic to remind people it's more than just a museum. In fact, former French President Francois Mitterrand feel very strongly about the idea that he sanctioned the project of modern architecture, called "Grands Travaux" in the '80s to update the classic style of the city. The results included the glass pyramid entrance to the Louvre, plus other modern projects.

2008's Pritzker Architecture Prize (considered the Nobel Prize of architecture) has been given to the Paris architect Jean Nouvel. His pieces include the Musee du Quai Branly, a unique modern building. If you are a sucker for the classics, however, and so on: the Arc de Triomphe, the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Musee d'Orsay ... You may need several trips to the capital of architecture to see everything.

3. Chicago, Illinois

More than just a great place for Hot Dog yummy and very fun sport, Windy City is also considered the birthplace of modern American architecture. After the Great Fire in 1871 burned more than 2,000 acres of buildings, Chicago's most have a blank slate to work. Architects move and make some of the world's most impressive buildings. To give an idea of what looks like the city, note that the word "skyscraper"was coined in thecapital city of of architecture.

Landmark city include: Sears Tower - the tallest building the U.S., Wrigley Building - office buildings triangle which is the headquarters for the company's gum, and the city marina - which is identical to the "corn on the cob" named buildings shown on the album cover of alt-rock band Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot .

In addition, "Starchitect" Frank Lloyd Wright Home & Studio has made plus a large collection of his house, and Frank Gehry created a center for major city Millennium Garden.

4. Berlin, Germany

Since the wall fell in 1989, Berlin is focused on changing the building. Some of the most famous include: the Reichstag, Nazi Parliament once created with glass dome on top, while the once-deserted Potsdamer Platz district was redesigned and now includes the Sony Center is impressive, and the quarter of the new DaimlerChrysler built within five years. Another addition is an embassy, a new modern England, and the Jewish Museum designed by Daniel Libeskind.

There are also lots of classical architecture to see, such as neoclassical Altes Museum, Bode Museum (a historic building preserved), and Das Rotes Rathaus (old town hall).

5. Shanghai, China

China focuses Shanghai is one of its projects. Time scale of development is so extreme that the development agreement and a decision made in a matter of hours compared with the month in Western countries. This explains the Pudong district of the city, which is considered as the center of town that includes the construction of the highest city, Jin Mao Tower, Oriental Pearl Tower plus, which is a mall, hotel and place of observation.

You'll see more of the past the city along the coast in the Bund area with more style colonial architecture. Increasingly, this style is being moved with modern pieces such as the Shanghai Grand Theatre, and future claims for the "world's tallest" buildings - World Financial Center.

6. Rome, Italy

Like Athens, Rome is an architectural highlight the beginning of Western civilization. You know the classics: the Colosseum, Pantheon, Roman Forum, and the Temple of Venus and Rome. It's a bit to compete with new buildings (but not many) like: St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sistine Chapel, and the National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II. Although not very well known to modern buildings, an abundance of ancient Rome, the classical revival architecture and is more than enough to give this city a proper place in the list of our architecture capital.


7. Athens, Greece

Acropolis, the site of early Greek civilization, which also includes the inspiration for our modern civilization, this city gives its architectural strength. You will see the classical Greco-Roman columns support the Parthenon, plus decorative design drawn into the top of them. You might want to focus all your time here, but if you're still hungry for more after this, check out the Academy of Athens - a more modern version of the Greco-Roman classical style - plus the Athens Olympic Stadium recently updated. It's no secret that this city attraction is the ancient architecture, for it has earned a place in the capital, the list of our architecture

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Most Beautiful Cities' Architectural Designs

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