pHenomenal Water - One liter

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pHenomenal Water - One liter

  • pHenomenal is the world"s strongest alkaline water concentrate (12.5 pH).
  • pHenomenal is the fastest way to lower acidity in the blood.
  • pHenomenal is the only product we know of with an active ingredient called Hydroxide, which seeks acidity and literally pulls it out of your body!
  • pHenomenal will swiftly balance your pH levels with amazing power and effectiveness.
  • pHenomenal will increase your body"s absorption of important vitamins and minerals, slow down the aging process, and enhance immune system functioning.

One liter of pHenomenal is approximately a two week supply for the average person.

The active ingredient in pHenomenal is Hydroxide.
Everyone knows that water is H2O, right? This means that water has two Hydrogen molecules, and one Oxygen molecule.

Hydroxide, on the other hand, only has one Hydrogen molecule with one Oxygen molecule. Instead of H2O, pHenomenal is actually OH. Before pHenomenal came along, there was no way to actually stabilize (and utilize!) the power of Hydroxide, especial

List Price: $ 39.99

Price: $ 39.99

US $49.99 (0 Bid)
End Date: Monday Aug-11-2014 22:50:10 PDT
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pHenomenal Water - One liter

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