Amazing Rome HDR Photos- By Trey Ratcliff

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One of my daily stops is the Stuck in Customs website, which is the travel photography blog of Trey Ratcliff. Trey is probably the most famous HDR photographer in the world due to his prolific work, his ability to connect with his followers, and his talent. He has managed to turn his side hobby into a full fledged career. Now, between his side jobs of running workshops, publishing books and developing iphone apps, Trey travels the world to capture amazing imagery which he shares through his website. Overall, I think his work tends to be inconsistent in quality, but that is to be expected since he uploads one new photo each day. HDR photography has fans and detractors. I’m definitely a fan of the format, although I tend to like my imagery to feel more natural than manipulated.

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Amazing Rome HDR Photos- By Trey Ratcliff

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