This should come as no surprise, since they do have the best researchers and institutes. However what is surprising is that they are losing their share over the years. During the 1960s they had the maximum number of Nobel Prize Winners, but now their share is just over 50%. It may be proof only of the fact that other countries are beginning to get ahead in the field of science and literature.
They have among the world’s best universities and also some of the best research facilities. They have the second largest number of medicine winners and as is to be expected, the largest number of Literature winners. After all, they have the given us the finest writers over the centuries.
Germany is not too far behind in this list. So far they have won 30 in Chemistry and 32 in Physics. Their ratio of winners over the years is also decreasing, but this is once again due to the developing countries now coming into their own.
A distant fourth France, the majority of their prizes were in the field of literature and medicine. Their most famous awardee was Jean Paul Sartre who declined the award, and of course the husband and wife team of Marie and Pierre Curie who were awarded the Physics Nobel in the year 1903 and in 1911 Marie Curie won the award after her husband’s death , in the field of Chemistry.
The country where these prizes originated, has won a total of 28 prizes so far. In 1903 Svante Arrhenius won the first award for Chemistry, and in 1982, Alva Myrdal won the coveted Peace Prize for her activism in the field of disarmament.
If a list was made with regard to per capita rankings, then Switzerland is likely to be on top of the list. They have a ratio of 3 Nobel Prizes per million inhabitants. Their list of prize winners includes Herman Hesse for literature in 1946 and Albert Einstein for Physics in 1921.
7. Russia – 23:

Their first prize winner was Bertha Von Suttner who won the Peace Prize in 1905, followed by Alfred Hermann Fried in 1911. They have won seven prizes in the field of Medicine.
Canada has also won 20 Nobel Prizes out of which seven were in the field of Chemistry. Their latest award winners are Willard S Boyle in the field of Physics and Jack W Szostak in the field of Medicine or Physiology, both in the year 2009.
Another small nation, but one which has a large number of prize winners amongst it’s citizens. Their notable winners include Andre Geim who won the latest prize for Physics and Pieter Zeeman and Hendrik Lorentz who jointly won it for Physics in 1902.