Amazing Snow Sculptures Around the World

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1. “Romantic Feelings” measured 115 feet high and 656 feet long. It was built for China’s 2008 Harbin Ice and Snow Festival (Daily Mail).
Photo:  EmmaJG

2. Sculpture of the Taj Mahal guarded by a turbaned man at the Sapporo Snow Festival in Hokkaido, Japan.
Photo:  Starfires

3. Touching up a sculpture at the 2010 Harbin Ice and Snow Festival in China.
Photo:  Irish Typepad

4. Ice Dinosaurs are a centerpiece from the 2004 Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan. The annual festival attracts around 2 million visitors.
Photo:  Starfires

5. Owls and birds of prey at the 2009 Sapporo Snow Festival in Hokkaido, Japan.
Photo:  Clifford DMello

6. A Native American looking tired but happy at the 2007 Harbin Ice and Snow Festival in China.
Photo:  harryalverson

7. Japanese warrior snow sculpture from the 2006 Air Canada Snow Sculpture Challenge in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada.
Photo:  Yukon White Light

8. Man and totem at the 2009 Budweiser International Snow Sculpture Championships in Breckenridge, Colorado.
Photo:  future15pic

9. Giant, disembodied snowy hand from 2007 in Mount Prospect, Illinois.
Photo:  Harvard Avenue

10. A castle just isn’t a castle without some nudity at the 2008 Harbin Ice and Snow Festival in China.
Photo:  StrudelMonkey

11. A bit of India in China  at the 2008 Harbin Snow Festival
Photo:  StrudelMonkey

12. Hang on! Team USA’s entry for the 2009 Breckenridge International Snow Sculpture Championships.
Photo:  david_shankbone

13. Snow train at the 2009 Harbin Ice and Snow festival.
Photo:  frankartculinary

14. Lego man in Quebec City, Canada from 2010.
Photo:  eytonz

15. 2007′s winning snow sculpture in Breckenridge, Colorado.
Photo:  Chris Adams

16. “Butterfly Lovers” from Chinese legend – two lovers who turned into butterflies after committing suicide. A dark story, but a beautiful sculpture at the 2005 Breckenridge Snow Sculpture Festival.
Photo:  Adventures in Librarianship

17.  A mother bear and her cub at the 2010 Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan.
Photo:  David McKelvey

18.  A truly international competition in 2010 at the Harbin Snow and Ice Festival China.
Photo:  Ivan Walsh

19.  An Inuit family in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin at the 2010 US Nationals Snow Sculpting Competition.
Photo:  r.darkjoy

20. Tyger, tyger, burning bright.  2010 Harbin Snow and Ice Festival in China.
Photo:  eastisrelative

21. Elaborate details in the “National Treasure Inuyama Castle” at the 2008 Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan.
Photo:  Christopher Chan

22. Snorkeling in the snow in Anchorage, Alaska  at the annual Fur Rondy Festival. It’s a 75+ year tradition that celebrates the miners and trappers of Alaska.
Photo:  Troy B Thompson

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Amazing Snow Sculptures Around the World

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